Sabtu, 27 Agustus 2011



I realized how much I could not be farther from you,,,,
and I really understand just how many sins I do,,,,,,,
but I do not understand why this slalu bgtu,,

there anything I can understand your heart,,,
I know Your love is there,,,,,,,
I know you are there,,,,
I JUST WANT TO CARE FOR YOURSELF MYSELF,,,,, can not understand why I love my soul yes,,,,,,,

I knew I was just on your request,,,,,
and the only shelter to You is where I,,,,,
I know You really love me,,,
forgive me all my fault yes Maha merciful,,,,
love and love of allegiance really terrible for me ...
but why I can not really love it,,,,,, lbih ddari

Thou God is LOVE,,,,,,
thank you for your love to me like no other

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